I recently came across Ken Corbett’s helper module developed to assist in working with HTML5 Web Databases. While the debate continues on offline storage and the HTML5 spec I decided to give this library a try. Below I will detail a few pointers for those interested in getting started. You can also find some documentation on github.

The first step to getting started is to think about your database structure. Since you are going to be suing offline browser storage it is important to have the browser setup the database and create your tables for you when someone visits your web app.

UPDATE: For quick access to the code download my example on Github:
Create a file named “setup.sql”https://github.com/tegansnyder/JQuery-Mobile—HTML5-Web-DB-Example#readme

CREATE TABLE person (id INTEGER NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR(35), last_name VARCHAR(35), age INTEGER, money DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY (id));
CREATE TABLE places (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(35), location VARCHAR(35) PRIMARY KEY (id));

This file will execute the first time a user visits your web app and will create all your required tables.

Download html5sql from github. Then create a blank JQuery mobile page using this structure.

	My Web App

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0rc3/jquery.mobile-1.0rc3.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/html5sql.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script></pre>
<div class="type-index" data-role="page" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="a">
<h1>My Web App</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<ul id="person" data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="a" data-dividertheme="a">
	<li data-icon="plus"><a href="new_run.html">Person Details</a></li>

In your app.js file setup your connection like this:



        html5sql.openDatabase("com.myapp.appdb", "App Data", 5*1024*1024);


				function(error, statement){
					console.error("Error: " + error.message + " when processing " + statement);


	html5sql.logInfo = true;
	html5sql.logErrors = true;
	html5sql.putSelectResultsInArray = true;


This will process on DOM ready and setup your table. You can see if it succeed by opening up Google Chrome web inspector and clicking on the Resources tab. You should see your database has been created.

To add data use:

		var first_name = 'Tegan';
		var last_name = 'Snyder';
		var age = '25';
		var money = '5500';

			    "INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, age, money) VALUES ('" + first_name + "','" + last_name + "','" + age + "','" + money + "')"


			function(error, statement){
				console.error("Error: " + error.message + " when processing " + statement);

To select data use:

		    "SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = 1"
		function(transaction, results, rowArray) {

			var html = '</pre>
	<li data-theme="b">';

 $.each(rowArray, function(index, value) {
 html += '
First name: ' + value.first_name + '

 html += '
Last name: ' + value.last_name + '

 html += '
Age: ' + value.age + '


 html += '</li>

			//refresh jquery mobile listview


		function(error, statement){
			console.error("Error: " + error.message + " when processing " + statement);

This is just a quick overview. More details to come as I start playing with this and session storage.

Check out Kens website: http://html5sql.com

  • Tim Bendall

    Hi Tegan.

    I’m playing around with Ken’s module at the moment and wanted to ask a question about it that you hopefully know the answer to.

    If I pass in an array of three SQL select statements, how do I extract the values from these three statements?

    Normally you would use results.rows.item(x).value. Does this syntax still work? Or do you need to iterate through the array that gets created and keep track of which element of the array corresponds to which SQL statement?

    Nice article, I’m looking forward to seeing you expand this and maybe I’ll be able to help contribute in the future.


  • tegan

    Tim can you provide an example?

    • Tim Bendall

      Sure, thanks for your help.

      This is a made up example:

      [select price from cars, select tax from duty, select discount from catalogue]
      alert((results.rows.item(0).price – results.rows.item(0).discount) * (1- results.rows.item(0).tax));
      alert(‘Error: ‘ + error.message);

      I know that the results.rows.item() code needs to be replaced with the array that gets created by html5sql.js, but I don’t know how that array is arranged and how to get the data out.

      Cars, production and stock are non-related tables but I need to use values from all within the one function. Without html5sql.js I would nest transactions within transactions in order to get all the data I needed, then perform the calculation. If you don’t nest the transactions then you aren’t guaranteed to have all the values by the time the calculation is made (because of javascripts asynchronous nature).

      What code do I use to get the data from the 3 SQL statements?


      • tegan

        Does this help?

        		    "SELECT * FROM people"
        		function(transaction, results, rowArray) {
        			var html = '';
        			$.each(rowArray, function(index, value) {
        		function(error, statement){
        			//console.error("Error: " + error.message + " when processing " + statement);
        • Tim Bendall

          Yes it does, thanks heaps for taking the time to help

          • tegan

            Not a problem! Glad I could help.

        • Eric Xin Zhang

          Hi Tegan,

          Sorry, I don’t understand your reply here. The html5sql.js can process multiple SQLs sequentially, and I think Tim’s question actually was, if he provides 3 SELECT statements, how he could get the 3 results of the 3 SELECT statements accordingly in the final success callback function. From your reply above I could not see that. Forgive me if I’m wrong, and thanks in advance if you know how to get those results.

  • Rachel

    I was happy to find this code. It is great as far as it goes…but, the source files don’t match the tutorial. The list doesn’t display the saved data. I’d really like to understand how to use this code, but, I’m new and wish the tutorial would have provided a full working version that could be tweaked to use by newbies.
    1. Input data (present)
    2. Save data (present)
    3. Display saved data in a new page for each record (missing)

    Please consider updating your code for those of us who are floundering.

    Thank you for your work. -Rachel